Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Marbles and KISSes

During science today, I wrote the page number on the board for the workbook page the students were suppose to complete. They quickly let me know that they had already completed that page and I realized I had written the wrong page number on the board. Right away my "special" student interrupted "Mrs. Knight, you must be losing your marbles!"

Today was also KISS Day (Kids Invite Someone Special) when students can eat lunch with family members. One of my sweet girls came over and asked if I would meet her grandparents. When I was introducing myself and telling the grandparents how grateful I was to have their granddaughter in my class, she told me that "I like you because you always have a smile on your face" :) Of course, she made my day!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Monday morning all my students wanted to talk about was how much candy they got trick-o-treating and the costumes they wore. They wanted to know what I dressed up as and how much candy I got. I told them that I stayed home and let the kids come to my door.

This afternoon one of my girls brought me a Reese's peanut butter cup and said "Here is candy for you Mrs. Knight since you didn't get to go trick-o-treating for your own candy!" I was even more excited than normal to get a piece of chocolate because I ate it during my 3 hour professional development online course...